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Plunge Pools

Suited to any size backyard, our plunge pools are pre-fabricated by hand and delivered to site in the shortest possible timeframe.


Finished using the highest quality glass mosaics from Trend and premium equipment from Hayward, our pools are of the highest  quality and great value.


Our exclusive range of plunge pools can be customised to your specific needs and come in a wide range of sizes and styles. 


The standard is a 110mm thick concrete shell like any in ground concrete pool. We build offsite and delivery to you.


The wet deck removes the need for a skimmer box.  Overflow water is recycled into the pool through a perimeter drain.

Integrate with your surrounding.

The negative edge creates the illusion of a pool without boundaries.

Premium Equipment & Finishes



Glass Mosaic Tiles



Equipment Packages

Chris Stanley_NorthcoteHouse-21.jpg

Pool Coping

Natural Stone by Pavers Plus

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